Jules and I took a trip to Friar Tux today to choose the tuxes. We easily settled on this Calvin Klein style for Jules:
And a similar-but-not-as-yummy style for everyone else:
For the vests and ties, we're going with teal for the best man and groomsmen, cinnamon for the sponsors, and gold for the parents and grandparents, all to match their female counterparts, of course. Jules' vest and tie will either be white or ivory. We'll decide when we see them later on, but right now, I'm thinking it should be white to match my dress.

The guys will be in solid-colored ties, except the best man and groom, who'll be in striped ties. I'll have to see how the paisley tie looks on Jules, before we decide if we wanna bump him and the best man up to paisley, and all the other guys to stripes. The kids (ring bearer, bible bearer, and coin bearer) will be in bow-ties, as per Justin's request.
Here are pictures of Jules and Justin getting fitted:

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